Human Rights Policy

  1. Basic Approach to Human Rights
    The Mitsubishi Corporation Life Sciences Group (Mitsubishi Corporation Life Sciences Limited and its subsidiaries, hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Group”) considers respect for human rights as an important element in its efforts powered by life sciences to explore flavor, health, and beauty to bring joy and enrichment to the lifestyles of all people. The Group promotes fair and sound business activities based on the Three Corporate Principles. The Group’s commitment to respect for human rights and employees is stated in our Corporate Standards of Conduct, and we make efforts for human rights issues specified in the attachment.
    In addition, we have established our Code of Conduct to be observed by all officers and employees of the Group (including directors and employees such as commissioned workers, part-time employees, and temporary employees). The detailed rules for the Code of Conduct stipulate respect for human rights; prohibition of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, creed, religion, or other reasons; prohibition of harassment, respect for national and regional cultures, customs, and languages; and prohibition of child labor and forced labor. They also stipulate collaboration with suppliers to ensure that we do not contribute to human rights violations.
    The Group also supports international standards such as the International Bill of Human Rights (Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenants on Human Rights), the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the ILO International Labor Standards, and the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights.
  2. Scope of Application of the Human Rights Policy
    The scope of application of this policy shall be the officers and employees of the Group. We also encourage our suppliers to understand this policy.
  3. Structure
    Under the Group’s structure related to human rights, the human rights initiatives shall be managed by the directors and corporate officers in charge. Policies and measures shall be planned and formulated by the Human Resources Department and the Legal and Compliance Department, discussed by the Sustainability Committee and the Executive Committee, and then submitted to the Board of Directors for discussion and reporting.
  4. Correction and Remedial Measures
    [Internal Consultation Desks]
    To enable consultations on human rights issues that arise within the Group, we have established several internal consultation desks, including a compliance consultation desk and harassment consultation desk within the company, as well as an outside legal counsel desk. Under the established structure, consultations are available at any time by email, telephone, in-person meeting, or other means. These consultation desks enable anonymous consultation and ensure security (no dismissal or other disadvantageous treatment of the informer after the fact) and confidentiality of the content. They also ensure response and investigation by related persons who have no vested interest in the content, and offer the best possible solution, giving top priority to the wishes and intentions of the informer. The existence of these consultation desks is communicated through training programs for new employees, and is posted on the company portal site at all times.
    [Consultation Desk for External Stakeholders]
    The Group has established and operates a consultation desk to receive consultations from external stakeholders.
  5. Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence
    The Group identifies and analyzes any negative impacts of its business on human rights and the environment, and promotes human rights and environmental due diligence in order to avoid or mitigate such impacts.
  6. Education and Training
    The Group conducts training (such as new employee training, rank-specific training, etc.) on our Philosophy and related guidelines, including respect for human rights.